24 July 2011


24 July 2011
Think your childhood ended last July 14? You'd better know the answers to these, then, taken from the book that started it all. Tell us in the comments below!

1. The Hogwarts entry door is made out of what material?

2. Who is the only person in the Weasley family who isn't a wizard?

3. On what day of the week do strange and mysterious things begin to happen in the Muggle world after Voldemort's defeat.

4. What is the name of Dudley Dursley's new private school?

5. What is the room number at the hotel where Harry and the Dursleys stay while fleeing the letters from Hogwarts?

6. The Leaky Cauldron is sandwiched between which two Muggle shops?

7. Who outlawed dragon breeding in England?

8. What are Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia watching on TV when Harry asks if they will take him to King's Cross Station to catch the Hogwarts Express?

9. What does Professor Quirrell's classroom smell like?

10. What is inside Albus Dumbledore's vault at Gringotts?
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Books after Harry Potter: Part II

The seven-book, eight-film epic that is the Harry Potter series ended last July 14. If you're one of those headless chickens running around and fretting about the end of your childhood, you might want to check these books out - Harry Potter wasn't the only published character in the past fifteen years he's reigned the Bestsellers' list.

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21 July 2011

Top 10 Worst Harry Potter Movie Posters

21 July 2011
After rounding-up the best posters, we now give you the posters which we did not quite like.

Disclaimer: We don't have anything against Ron Weasley/Rupert Grint... we think.

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Top 10 Best Harry Potter Movie Posters

With the Harry Potter Movie Franchise ending, we gathered all the posters used in all of the eight movies and ranked them according to their appearance, impact, and relevance to the story/movie. Here's our list of the Top 10 Best HP Movie Posters:

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Top Ten things from the Harry Potter world we wished were real

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Books after Harry Potter: Part I

The seven-book, eight-film epic that is the Harry Potter series ended last July 14. If you're one of those headless chickens running around and fretting about the end of your childhood, you might want to check these books out - Harry Potter wasn't the only published character in the past fifteen years he's reigned the Bestsellers' list.

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Double Take

JK Rowling's characters might be easy to guess; can you guess who their doppelgangers are?

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20 July 2011

Top Ten One-oh-One

20 July 2011

Need to have a topic cheat sheet? Know everything there is about anything through a blog devoted to Top Ten Lists!

All the things you need to know about the day's trending topics, in one bite-sized list! Don't agree with our Top Ten? Rearrange it in the comments, or come up with new elements!
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