21 July 2011

Top Ten things from the Harry Potter world we wished were real

21 July 2011

1. Wand! (seriously, who wouldn’t want one? Haha)

2. Broomstick! We'll have quidditch matches aside from the UAAP!

3.       Invisibility cloak

4.       Portkeys! ( teleporting would be cool!)

5.       Arthur Weasley’s car to avoid traffic

6.       Marauder’s Map (for stalking purposes maybe? Haha)

7.       The Weasley family clock! ( for parents and maybe possessive girlfriends or boyfriends? Haha)

8.       Hermione’s handbag using the undetectable extension for charm (a must have for ladies yes? haha)

     9.    Potions! ( Amortentia AKA the love potion, Felix Felicis, Veritaserum, and of course the Polyjuice potion!)  


         10.   Time-turner for all those moments you'd want to replay again and again (Or erase!)

Do you agree or disagree? Add some of your own! Comment and tell us what you think! :)


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