03 August 2011

Top ten tribulations of being green-blooded but blue-minded

03 August 2011
It's UAAP season once again, and this means the rivalries between universities are alive once again! What other rivalry can beat the decades old Ateneo-La Salle? Upon being in Ateneo for college after attending La Salle Zobel for High School, I find myself struggling with UAAP matters. Here is my list of top ten  tribulations:

1. Not knowing where to sit during games :|

2. If ever I do decide just to sit wherever, I wouldn't know what shirt color I should be wearing? :| (Personally I've settled for white but now I'm just running out of white shirts to wear...)

3. I get the cheers all mixed up and end up making new ones of my own haha

4. I've actually had to go to a game and bring both flags for Ateneo and La Salle (people would stare at me of course...)

5. Having a very Lasallian family while me being in Ateneo (or vice-versa for some of you guys out the there haha)

6. Having almost all your friends at La Salle so they'd cheer for La Salle during games and of course you'd still be wondering how to cheer for both. . .(and again vice-versa for the others out there haha)

7. Being unable to decide who the better player is haha what do you think? :)

8. Having to bet against your alma mater to avoid losing bets hahaha

9. Deciding whether or not you're gonna buy shirts from your school

10. Ultimately having difficulty in saying whether:

*Photos taken from images.google.com/ateneolasallerivalry
Comment guys! :)


Top Ten 101 said...
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Ayla said...

Too bad we didn't stick to one Alma Matter hahaha. But at least we have 2 chances of winning now!

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