I bet that after 3 films on X-Men, 1 on Wolverine and an X-Men First Class movie, you feel you're pretty much a bit familiar with the main characters of the X-Men franchise. I'm also sure there were those characters you didn't quite know or had enough time to remember. There are more characters just as exciting as the likes of Cyclops and Wolverine! Here is a quick cheat sheet on some of them!! Check 'em out and tell us what you think!

#1: Emma Frost AKA The White Queen
Powers: Tirelessness and invulnerability due to her organic diamond form, Telepathy

#2: Kitty Pryde AKA Shadowcat
Powers: Phasing
Colossus' love interest

#3: Peter Rasputin AKA Colossus
Powers: Super strength and invulnerability due to organic steel form
Shadowcat's love interest

#4: Lucas Bishop AKA Bishop
Power: Absorbs and releases energy from his hands, store energy to increase strength and recuperate
#5: Betsy Braddock AKA Psylocke
Powers: Telepathy, Telephatic blasts, Telekinesis, see visions of the future, developed fighting skills
#6: Roberto Da Costa AKA Sunspot
Powers: Absorb and channel solar power for strength

#7: Forge
Powers: visually perceive mechanical energy in action, recognize, modify existing technology, invents highly-advanced devices
#8: Northstar
Powers: ability to fly almost to the speed of light, superhuman, stamina and endurance, durability, advanced equilibrium
#9: Alex Summers AKA Havok
Powers: Absorb and eminate cosmic energy that heat up the air, plasma discharge, immune to radiation

#10: Lorna Dane AKA Polaris
Powers: Control magnetism, create force fields and energy pulses, flight
Havok's Love interest
All images sourced from Google.
Legal, gostaria de saber qual nome daquele mutante que é do mal e namorava com a lince negra no desenho. Se alguém pudesse responder eu adoraria!
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