09 October 2011

Top 10 Video Games Better Left UNsequeled

09 October 2011
It's not exactly a secret. Today's video game industry is turning into the Sequel Industry - new games each year are just building on the same old stuff, precisely because the 'old stuff' is still the best darn games you'd ever play. For all their updated graphics, game mechanics, and whatnot, the oldies/originals/over-the-hill-games/whatever you'd want to call them are still the best in their respective franchises - and look, they're mostly on the PSOne!

10. PacMan -

9. Tetris - I love you Tetris Battle, but you're not beating the original L block!

8. Dance Dance Revolution - Move over Guitar Hero, I'm the original arcade music game!

7. Threads of Fate - This might be the exception; release the official sequel, Square!

6. Lunar Silver Star Story - All the other anime-style, cell-shaded games can't hold a candle to the Sega Saturn classic (Yes, I'm looking at you Atelier Iris.)

5. Tomb Raider - Two words: Angelina. Jolie.

4. Crash Bandicoot - Before the insane load times kicked in.

3. Spyro the Dragon - Gems, dragons, and portals oh my!

2. Final Fantasy - All the numbered titles before the series became MMORPG-crazy.

1. Kingdom Hearts - You know, before the series became a cash cow.

All images sourced from Google. 


Anonymous said...

Spyro and Crash Bandicoot were the bomb! I wish there were PS3 or Xbox versions of them

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